Backpack Naturalist is Special Afterschool Program for Students in Grades K-4
Backpack Naturalist (BPN) is a special afterschool program designed for children in grades K-4 to explore the forests, fields, and ponds of the Hudson Highlands Nature Center led by Nature Educators. Utilizing the scenic backdrop of the Outdoor Discovery Campus and amenities of the Nature Center, BPN’s will connect with nature through exploration and nature play to inspire active stewards in our shared environment. There is a max class size of 24. This program is open to all students in grades K-4, however transportation will only be provided from the Cornwall Elementary Schools. BPN is great for working or busy parents & caretakers - Register for 1,2,3,4, or 5 days a week and pick the day or days that work the best for your family's schedule!
to register for the remainder of the 2023-2024 school year:
contact michelle at
or call (845) 534-5506 ext 204
Backpack Naturalist 2024-2025
The program begins on Wednesday, September 4, 2024 and runs through the end of the school year on Thursday, June 26
Students will meet up to 5 days a week (Monday-Friday) from 3:45pm-5:45pm
Register for 1,2,3,4 or 5 days a week
A non-refundable $65 registration fee will hold your place. A Staff Member will follow up to set up your payment plan or take your full payment
Tuition can be paid in 10 monthly installments OR paid in full for a discount (5% by check or 1.5% by credit card)
-The first Monthly Installment Payment is due by July 1 2024, with the remaining 9 payments due the first of the month September - May.
-Payment in full is due by July 1 2024
Pricing for the full 2024-2025 School Year:
The Outdoor Discovery Campus (120 Muser Drive, Cornwall: Directions) will now be an afternoon school bus stop from the Cornwall Elementary Schools (more details to come as the CCSD bus stop schedule for 24-25 is finalized) Parents are responsible for transportation from any other schools. We will follow CCSD in regards to holidays and school closings. BPN will not meet on days CCSD has an early dismissal. Student drop off is 3:45pm. Pickup is at 5:45pm, no later pickup times will be available.
Snack time will be scheduled daily. We ask that all parents please provide a snack from home for their child (but please no peanuts or tree nuts as we are a nut-aware facility). Additionally, we request that any snacks be packed in reusable containers with as little disposable wrapping as possible. Please bring a refillable water bottle.
The Backpack Naturalist Program Includes:
Afternoon school bus transportation to HHNC’s Outdoor Discovery Campus from the three Cornwall Elementary Schools
Hands-on collaborative learning
Outdoor free play
Nature activities
Homework/quiet indoor time
Snack time
A one year Family Plus Membership
Additional information Information:
Immunization info: Immunizations must be up-to-date and on file with the Nature Museum. Vaccination requirements by grade can be found by clicking here. Please note: all students must have TWO doses of the MMR vaccine prior to the start of BPN without exception.
Late policy- No late pick-ups are permitted. There will be an additional fee for every late pick-up (after 5:45pm) $15 for every 15 minutes (plus or minus)
Photograph/Videos: We reserve the right to use any pictures or videos during this program to promote the Museum unless otherwise notified by parents.
Refund Policy: Cancellations due to any other issues will require notice at least ONE WEEK before the student will stop attending. Short notice cancellations will affect the amount we are able to refund. A Pro-rated refund will be issued for 70% of the unused balance to cover administrative and credit card fees. Cancellations due to immunization issues, behavioral issues, will not be given a refund.
Cornwall schools & BPN are closed:
Thursday October 3rd - Rosh Hashanah
Monday October 14th - Fall Break
Tuesday November 5th - Superintendent Conference
Monday November 11th - Veterans Day
Wednesday November 27th thru Friday November 29th - Thanksgiving Break
Friday December 13th - Grade K-4 Conference Day
Monday December 23rd through Friday January 3rd - Winter Recess
Monday January 20th - Martin Luther King Day
Wednesday January 29th - Lunar New Year
Friday February 14 & Monday February 17 - President’s Day Weekend
Monday March 17th - Superintendent Conference
Monday April 14th through Friday April 18th - Spring Recess
Friday May 23 & Monday May 26th - Memorial Day Weekend
Thursday June 19th - Juneteenth