Birds of the Nature Museum

Bird-watching allows us to discover the beauty and wonder of so many incredible species and creates even more opportunity to form meaningful connections to the natural world. Observing birds in their natural habitat can also guide us to practices of understanding and mindfulness during a time where we could all use a little comfort. 

This list of identified birds shared by some Outdoor Discovery Center regulars gives us insight to the full range of local and migratory species supported by our site and its resources. While many of these species use our site as nesting and breeding grounds (Yellow Warbler, Tree Swallow, Great Blue Heron, Canada Goose), many others depend on our location on the Hudson River for crucial resources such as food, water, resting spots, and safety from predators along their greater migratory pathway. 

Birds are wonderful indicators of environmental health, so we are excited to see that our habitats and plant communities are supporting great biodiversity! If you are a beginner interested in bird-watching, we recommend the Merlin Bird ID app for identification and E-Bird for keeping track of all of your sighted species.

Birds Observed at the HHNM Outdoor Discovery Center / May, 16 2020 / one day total of 66 bird species identified

Twenty-seven (27) additional species seen at the HHNM on other days this spring

  • White-crowned Sparrow

  • Belted Kingfisher

  • Ruby-crowned Kinglet

  • Solitary Sandpiper

  • Virginia Rail

  • Yellow-billed Cuckoo

  • Cooper’s Hawk

  • Hairy Woodpecker

  • Pileated Woodpecker

  • Red-eyed Vireo

  • Blue-headed Vireo

  • White-breasted Nuthatch

  • Eastern Wood-Pewee

  • Canada Warbler

  • European Starling

  • Double-crested Cormorant

  • Mallard

  • Louisiana Waterthrush

  • American Woodcock

  • Bobolink

  • Barred Owl

  • Great Horned Owl

  • Brown Thrasher

  • Nashville Warbler

  • Bay-breasted Warbler

  • Bufflehead

  • Ring-necked Ducks