Celebrate lasting love (or loathing)
this Valentine’s Day:
Name a Madagascar Hissing Cockroach in honor (or disdain) of someone special while supporting
Nature Education & Wildlife!

“Nothing lasts longer than a roach, so it could be sent as a symbolic gesture about how long your love will last or exactly the opposite." John F. Calvelli, Wildlife Conservation Society

Declare that your love will last forever, send a message that the recipient is an unwelcome presence in your life, or enjoy for yourself!

However you’re feeling this Valentine’s Day, you can name one of the HHNCs Madagascar Hissing Cockroaches in someone’s honor/dishonor for a one-time donation of:

  • $10 for a digital certificate

  • $25 for a digital certificate PLUS a photo of one of our Animal Ambassadors eating the cockroach
    (part of their normal diet)

  • $100 for a digital certificate and photo, PLUS a personalized video of one of our Animal Ambassadors eating the cockroach

Don’t miss this special opportunity!
registration closes on Wednesday, February 13 at 12pm